Extremism Archives - Terri Pickens for Idaho Governor https://terriforidaho.com/category/extremism/ Terri Pickens for Idaho Governor Wed, 08 Jan 2025 21:42:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://terriforidaho.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/cropped-Screenshot-2023-05-06-at-1.00.44-PM-32x32.png Extremism Archives - Terri Pickens for Idaho Governor https://terriforidaho.com/category/extremism/ 32 32 I oppose the decision to print a bill seeking to outlaw same-sex marriage in Idaho https://terriforidaho.com/i-oppose-the-decision-to-print-a-bill-seeking-to-outlaw-same-sex-marriage-in-idaho/ Wed, 08 Jan 2025 21:36:11 +0000 https://terriforidaho.com/?p=854 I oppose the decision to print a bill seeking to outlaw same-sex marriage in Idaho. To the Democratic and Republican politicians on the House State Affairs Committee who voted to print this bill yesterday, I say that this is an unambiguous move to trample civil rights. As governor, I would fight this attack on a […]

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I oppose the decision to print a bill seeking to outlaw same-sex marriage in Idaho. To the Democratic and Republican politicians on the House State Affairs Committee who voted to print this bill yesterday, I say that this is an unambiguous move to trample civil rights.

As governor, I would fight this attack on a minority group—the LGBTQIA+ community—for the following reasons:

  • It makes zero sense to take rights away from people who harm no one.
  • Leaders should not kneel to the insatiable demands of a powerful group, with a self-proclaimed religious mandate, especially when that same group demands that the government honor their “religious freedom”—be assured, many religious folks support marriage equality.
  • It is disgusting for crass politicians to inflame the passions of their most vociferous supporters for political gain.
  • It is puny and cruel to create laws that give one class of people more rights than another based on who they love—this Apartheid for the LGBTQIA+ community.
  • This bill is part of a noxious nationwide effort to set American rights back 165 years, or so, and turn America into the kind of theocracy that once burned innocent women in Salem for political gain.
  • The only debate here is just how much freedom do our lawmakers think is too much freedom for the people who elected them.

On a personal note, I am a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, mother of a gay daughter, and friends with so many in the queer community whom I love and admire. We all know that printing this bill is a direct attack on our Civil Rights. Voting to give this bill the platform of a hearing in our Capitol breathes life into some of the darkest political and societal impulses that history warns can only have ugly, dangerous consequences for all of us.

To say that I am disappointed would be a gargantuan understatement.

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Freedom Shouldn’t Cost This Much https://terriforidaho.com/freedom-shouldnt-cost-this-much/ Tue, 10 Dec 2024 22:43:53 +0000 https://terriforidaho.com/?p=850 Freedom may not be free, but it shouldn’t cost what Idaho’s political leaders charge us for it. One kind of “freedom” in Idaho is being called “school choice” or “parental choice.” There’s nothing wrong with “choices.” But politicians are debasing, defunding, and dead-ending public education to pay for their so-called choice. It’s absolutely unnecessary, and […]

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Freedom may not be free, but it shouldn’t cost what Idaho’s political leaders charge us for it.

One kind of “freedom” in Idaho is being called “school choice” or “parental choice.” There’s nothing wrong with “choices.” But politicians are debasing, defunding, and dead-ending public education to pay for their so-called choice. It’s absolutely unnecessary, and it’s needlessly cruel to thousands of kids. But the corrupted political leaders have worked hard to make us believe you can only have good public education or good private education—not both. And at this point, they aren’t even hiding behind words like “choice”, they have decided to make your choices for you. So what if you can’t afford private school for your family. They don’t care.

These elected Idaho GOP officials are thieves, stealing your freedoms, and now your public school dollars. Thieves? Basically, yes. What is really happening is that corrupt politicians have discovered that the ghost-givers behind rightwing Super PACs will shovel them tons of campaign dough—just look at the millions that lined their pockets this last campaign cycle—as well as jobs and perks for their friends and families. The hitch is that the private donors will only give big if politicians funnel our tax dollars to them in return. One example: Prager University. Need I say more? Well I will.

It’s a simple scam. But Idaho politicians are fully in charge and they aren’t going to tattle on each other. It helps to have full collusion with the governor’s office, the attorney general, the Legislature, and don’t count on the judiciary staying independent forever either. In fact, they would prefer that we all just stay out of their “business” and continue our straight-ticket, party-line voting because they sure have relied on that for years. And why wouldn’t they? It seems to be working for them.

I know we’re all pretty worn out after being hammered for political attention for the past year. I am not suggesting that you do anything right now. Relax. Enjoy the holidays with family and loved ones. Recover. We are all going to need our strength and stamina to survive the whirlwind that will be the next two years.

So when the middle of January rolls back around, be ready to stand up for yourself and your families—Lord knows there are scarce few politicians who will stand up for you. (And I am so grateful for those who will, but they are vastly outnumbered.)

By then, when you hear Idaho legislators bad-mouthing teachers, or threatening to pass bills to raise your kids for you, or passing laws about what you can read, or telling you that your boys are one trip to the school nurse from becoming girls, or that the school historian’s section on the Civil War is a Marxist plot, or calling you a pedophile because they are completely devoid of any actual moral compass, all the while insisting on kids being read the Bible in public schools, then it will be time to engage. Folks, I thought we dealt with this nonsense seventy-five years ago when the U.S. Supreme Court said no thank you to prayer in school. All that nasty rhetoric will be your cue that they are unabashedly coming after your kids’ learning experience, your town’s gymnasium, your school library, and your reasonably sized classrooms.

And, they’re not just going to gobble up and divert the money from your schools either … that increase in the property tax on your home? Sales tax on your groceries? The gays, and the immigrants, and the universities didn’t do that. The all-powerful political machine that runs this state did —and, frankly, they look like they’re just getting started. So buckle up. We’re in for one hell of a ride.

I am sure you agree with me. That’s an awful big price for “freedom” in Idaho.

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Brad Little’s People Fight the Bad Fight https://terriforidaho.com/brad-littles-people-fight-the-bad-fight/ Tue, 03 Sep 2024 17:18:20 +0000 https://terriforidaho.com/?p=832 Last week, Governor Brad Little showed off his disrespect for gender diversity and the federal statutes that protect our young athletes. Using flagrant showmanship, Little signed an executive order trying to define gender as biological gender–using the heavy weight of government to beat down an entire community of Idahoans. He is no different than the […]

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Last week, Governor Brad Little showed off his disrespect for gender diversity and the federal statutes that protect our young athletes. Using flagrant showmanship, Little signed an executive order trying to define gender as biological gender–using the heavy weight of government to beat down an entire community of Idahoans. He is no different than the far-right GOP legislature that has scorned and abused our transgender community. This stigmatization has terrible, long-lasting impacts on our kids and the entire trans community. 

A politician like Brad Little can be slippery because he can seem like a good-natured son of Idaho wealth. But it helps to pay attention to the people who he takes the greatest pains to please:

These people outlawed abortion in Idaho.

These people want to imprison doctors who give basic reproductive care.

These people want to outlaw women from traveling out of state for healthcare.

These people want to outlaw contraception.

These people don’t want parents to protect children from gun crime.

These people won’t protect children from cults that deny them life-saving medical care.

These people want to tell us what books we should read.

These people call us “pedophiles” if we oppose their anti-freedom attack on libraries.
These people fight to keep the minimum wage low.

These people fight against workers’ rights to organize.

These people don’t want sick people to have medical marijuana.

These people take millions from oil lobbyists and will not support alternative energy.

These people fight against laws to protect Idaho’s pure public waters.

These people complain about forest fires but won’t budget to fight them.

These people want to sell public lands.

These people say climate change is a liberal hoax.

These people call the rioters who desecrated our Capitol on January 6 “heroes.”

These people try to fix their friends’ “problems” by throwing money at them.

These people fix schools by starving them to death.

These people hate that facts refute their worldview.

These people want to censor public colleges and universities.

These people call human rights for LGBTQ people “special” rights.

These people call human rights for people of color “special” rights.

These people are confused.

These people are mean.

These are the people who Gov. Brad Little was talking to this week when he signed an executive order to bully transgender girls and women out of sports. He is them.

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Moon, Little, and the Red State Radicals Agree: Freedom’s Just a Word On T-Shirts https://terriforidaho.com/moon-little-and-the-red-state-radicals-agree-freedoms-just-a-word-on-t-shirts/ Thu, 20 Jun 2024 15:18:38 +0000 https://terriforidaho.com/?p=823 We all know this advice: “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” Sadly, if I tried that, my campaign would be as silent as the voice of reason at this month’s Idaho Republican Party convention in Coeur d’Alene. The nicest thing I can say about that convention is that, while the […]

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We all know this advice: “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” Sadly, if I tried that, my campaign would be as silent as the voice of reason at this month’s Idaho Republican Party convention in Coeur d’Alene.

The nicest thing I can say about that convention is that, while the convention was terrible for freedom, it was great for irony!

The people who attended all have “freedom” and “liberty” tattooed to their shirts, bumpers, buttons, flags, and forearms. Yet, they re-elected an anti-freedom chairwoman, Dorothy Moon, and doubled-down revoking the last 100 years of gains for women’s rights.

One hundred years? Well, they didn’t propose revoking the 19th Amendment, which guarantees a woman’s right to vote, but I doubt the idea offends them. They did pass a platform plank to revoke every Idahoan’s right to vote for Idaho’s U.S. senators.

In the post-Roe v. Wade era, only fools, appeasers, and cowards deny the danger that extreme, anti-freedom forces in the Republican Party pose.

As for specifically taking away the rights of women, these lovers of “freedom and liberty” declare that embryos are people and that abortions (with zero exceptions for rape, incest, or the life of a pregnant person) be classified as murders. Thus, their platform reads, “We support the criminalization of all murders by abortion within the state’s jurisdiction.”

That means no more in vitro fertilization, IVF.

Logic tells me there must be energy behind finding ways to allow the State to track, record, and intercept our mail. Otherwise, Idaho women still have freedom to buy abortion pills. And, the State will need to prosecute that illicit mailing as murder and attempted murder.

Does any of this feel remotely like freedom to you? Does it look like liberty?

It sure does to my opponent, current Gov. Brad Little.

Mr. Little just sent a fundraising letter declaring that he wants to “KEEP IDAHO RED.”  

Ironically, Mr. Little bragged about his Idaho Launch program, which provides workforce training grants, as proof that Idaho Dems aren’t helping. Come on, Brad. That’s nuts. Not only were Democrats crucial for passing that program, IDGOP Chair Moon and her anti-freedom flag wavers have declared they don’t want Idaho funding education past high school—that’s the Red State opposing good ideas, not Democrats.

It’s worth repeating: Moon and her red state radicals want to end state-funding for higher education. That’s Idaho Republicans proposing a HUGE TUITION HIKE on Idaho families.

It’s all very very bad. And, by now, this isn’t the absent rambling from Idaho’s lunatic fringe that we can ignore. These are policy objectives that Brad Little will let become law, even if he whines about it a little. These ideas are what Idaho Republican lawmakers will champion. These ideas could potentially become instruments of State oppression because a few people—out-of-touch, mean people who only love freedom when it’s written on a t-shirt—held secret deliberations for a couple days in Coeur d’Alene.

It’s true. I have nothing nice to say about Brad Little, or Dorothy Moon, or her beady-eyed gang of red state radicals dead set on taking away our rights.

So, my campaign will operate under this guideline: It doesn’t matter if you can’t say anything nice as long as you’re telling the truth.

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Gov. Little Lets Far-Right Republicans Kill Freedom and Kids https://terriforidaho.com/gov-little-lets-far-right-republicans-kill-freedom-and-kids/ Wed, 17 Apr 2024 16:24:01 +0000 https://terriforidaho.com/?p=808 BOISE—Idaho Governor candidate Terri Pickens didn’t mince words in her criticism of a US Supreme Court decision to let stand an Idaho bill that bans gender-affirming treatment for transgender youth. She reminded Idahoans that Governor Brad Little could have vetoed the law: “Bad governors sign bad laws. Terrible governors sign bad laws even when they […]

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BOISE—Idaho Governor candidate Terri Pickens didn’t mince words in her criticism of a US Supreme Court decision to let stand an Idaho bill that bans gender-affirming treatment for transgender youth. She reminded Idahoans that Governor Brad Little could have vetoed the law:

“Bad governors sign bad laws. Terrible governors sign bad laws even when they know they shouldn’t.”

In 2023, when Mr. Little signed the law targeting transgender children, he said, “… as policymakers we should take great caution whenever we consider allowing the government to interfere with loving parents and their decisions about what is best for their children.” Pickens, who was born in Pocatello and now owns a Boise-based law firm, said Republican politics is hurting Idaho kids:

“Mr. Little will interfere with parents’ medical decisions when it’s the divisive, anti-freedom bill of the day from the Idaho GOP’s unhinged Chair Dorothy Moon. If you want a lesson in hypocrisy, look at the years that Democratic legislators tried to require a religious sect in Idaho to get medical treatment for their children who die painfully of treatable ailments such as appendicitis or respiratory infections. Why not interfere with parents whose medical decisions are actually killing their kids? Why only interfere with parents who seek treatment that doctors recommend?

Instead of helping kids, Idaho far-right Republican lawmakers only help their party leaders. If that means transgender kids will be more likely to attempt suicide, they don’t care. If that means painful, preventable deaths for kids unlucky enough to be born into a religious sect that hates modern medicine, so be it.

Judging by the legislation they write, Idaho Republican leaders don’t care about kids. Their anti-abortion fervor that endangers the lives of Idaho women means they don’t care about adults either. Since the transgender law comes with a threat to imprison doctors for 10 years, they want to put a punctuation mark on it all.

Judging by what Governor Little lets become law, Republican leaders don’t care a bit about freedom.

(For a sobering look at the results of Idaho’s religious medical exemption law, read “Idaho Religious Exemption Law: Unneeded death and suffering to children.”)

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Governor dithers; Idaho reputation withers https://terriforidaho.com/governor-dithers-idaho-reputation-withers/ Fri, 05 Apr 2024 19:50:21 +0000 https://terriforidaho.com/?p=802 Gov. Brad Little is confronted with an easy decision: veto the Legislature’s attack on librarians, or let it become law. It should be super easy for him to veto this $250 bounty on librarians: 1) it is the right thing to do; 2) it is also the popular thing to do. Honestly, it’s beyond baffling […]

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Gov. Brad Little is confronted with an easy decision: veto the Legislature’s attack on librarians, or let it become law. It should be super easy for him to veto this $250 bounty on librarians: 1) it is the right thing to do; 2) it is also the popular thing to do.

Honestly, it’s beyond baffling to watch Idaho’s far-right book-burners push around Idaho’s “traditional Republicans,” who rarely muster better than a Neville-Chamberlain-like courage. So, Idaho gets a state government that goes after librarians.

The fight should be an easy one too.

The professionals they are attacking are popular and they are trusted. An astounding 69% of Idahoans report they trust librarians to choose books for libraries (Idaho Public Policy Survey). That same poll shows that Idaho politicians are leading the way for an intolerant and inconsolable 23% minority of the state that doesn’t trust librarians.

Bear in mind, too, that politicians, like every one of the Idaho Republicans who pressed this bad law through the Legislature, are unpopular and untrusted. A whopping 59 percent of Americans say they distrust people in political life (Gallup survey).

So, these unpopular politicians press their unpopular attack.

One of the library attack sponsors, Sen. Cindy Carlson of Riggins, claimed the law is “fair to both sides of the issue.”

Look. I believe in fairness. As a lawyer, I make sure my clients are treated fairly. When I attend parent-teacher conferences, I make sure my kid is being treated fairly. When I feed my bird dogs, I make sure the bigger one doesn’t eat the smaller one’s food.

But “fairness” has nothing to do with it when one side is clearly wrong.

It is wrong to let Idaho’s far-right tell Idahoans what we can and cannot read. 

It is wrong for craven politicians to invent divisive issues for personal gain. 

It is wrong to call the people who oppose them supporters of obscenity.

Fairness? That’s a political ruse.

Brad Little has been a politician for ages and ages. He knows what’s going on here. And while he performs a waiting game to veto this bill—his deadline is Wednesday—he is signaling his far-right base that he takes their wrong-headed ideas “seriously.”

That’s also why Brad Little has not held another press conference to update Idaho on what he is doing about the racist attack on NCAA women’s basketball players in Coeur d’Alene. His mealy-mouthed assurance to the nation that Idahoans don’t support racism—when, clearly, racists harassed and harangued a team of college athletes who were trying to spend money at Idaho restaurants and hotels on an Idaho downtown street—was pathetic and embarrassing.

So here we are. Again.

Our governor is letting fools and fascists know that he’s being “fair” when he needs to show the state and the nation that he’s being “right.”

Veto the bill, immediately, Brad Little. Once you do that, let us know what exactly you are doing about the racists who are attacking innocent visitors to our state.

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Statement from the Idaho Governor that We Need: https://terriforidaho.com/statement-from-the-idaho-governor-that-we-need/ Thu, 28 Mar 2024 15:31:44 +0000 https://terriforidaho.com/?p=798 Like many of you, I am appalled by the recent events in North Idaho, where racists attacked a group of young women competing in the NCAA basketball tournament. I am also equally appalled at our present Governor’s recent actions. Unlike the present occupant of the Governor’s office, who gleefully took a photo-op celebrating the elimination […]

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Like many of you, I am appalled by the recent events in North Idaho, where racists attacked a group of young women competing in the NCAA basketball tournament. I am also equally appalled at our present Governor’s recent actions. Unlike the present occupant of the Governor’s office, who gleefully took a photo-op celebrating the elimination of diversity and equity language across the entire state while hate filled rhetoric was being directed at the female athletes, I will not bow down to the hate-filled racists who feel threatened by diversity. I embrace diversity and equity, as we all should. Rather than placating the far-right, my statement to the people of Idaho and our guests from other states would have been much less restrained.  It would read something more like this:

“I apologize to the NCAA players, staff, and supporters of the Utah Utes who were targeted and threatened by an unforgivable racist attack this week in Coeur d’Alene. I extend my apology as well to the players of UC-Urvine who were also made to feel threatened and sought safe harbor outside of the Coeur d’Alene. I apologize to the city of Spokane and to the organizers of the NCAA tournament.

Today, I declare an end to the days where racists and others who share ideologies based on hate and bigotry feel at home in Idaho. You are unwelcome. It may be your right to fill your heart with malice and hatred, but it is an American right to live a life free of tyranny and fear. 

In the short-term, I am allocating as many resources as it takes to hunt down, identify, and prosecute the people responsible for this racist attack. Longer term, we will review Idaho laws and make them as punitive as necessary to dissuade this kind of public attack. Further, we will work with the NCAA to make sure no team ever has to feel unsafe traveling freely in America. Someday, it is my goal that people think of Idaho when they think of what it looks like to stand up to and defeat hate-filled ideologies and the people who would terrorize their neighbors.

Let me be clear, my office and most Idahoans consider any attempt to bully or belittle or harass someone based on their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or religion to be reprehensible and criminal.

Public displays of racism, or the malicious targeting of any group for whatever malign bigoted purpose, will be a thing of the unfortunate past.

Today, I say “go away” to the racists and haters. Today, I say, “go to prison” to the racists and haters who terrorize their neighbors.”

–My name is Terri Pickens and I am running to be Idaho’s next governor. Like you I am tired of the mealy-mouthed platitudes of our current governor who is convinced that he has to placate far-right, anti-freedom extremists. Appeasement does not work. What works is a serious, courageous, transparent campaign to stamp out the forces of hate who are now terrorizing Idaho communities with impunity. Under my watch, Idaho will earn a reputation for true freedom, true liberty, and become a beacon for human rights. I am not bullied or confused by the far-right’s embrace of hatred. I am not deterred in my commitment to justice for all. Idaho needs a leader who will be a champion for human rights. I am that leader.

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Lewiston Tribune: Under Bedke’s Watch, Idaho’s House Burned https://terriforidaho.com/lewiston-tribune-under-bedkes-watch-idahos-house-burned/ Sun, 06 Nov 2022 17:28:50 +0000 https://terriforidaho.com/?p=672 When I saw our Lt. Governor promoting extremism, flirting with white nationalists, attacking teachers, and much more, I was compelled to run. I knew I could be a rational voice in the Capitol. I could stop the chaos. I could stand up to extremists. My values of honesty, fairness, and courage would guide me. Now, […]

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When I saw our Lt. Governor promoting extremism, flirting with white nationalists, attacking teachers, and much more, I was compelled to run.

I knew I could be a rational voice in the Capitol. I could stop the chaos. I could stand up to extremists. My values of honesty, fairness, and courage would guide me.

Now, I am running against House Speaker Scott Bedke. He eked out a 51% primary win over a deeply flawed opponent. Mr. Bedke is unpopular because he spent 20 years ignoring the public’s needs while lavishing tax breaks on his corporate backers. He let a fierce desire for power guide him. And he let extremists takeover the House to hang onto that power.

A Lewiston Tribune opinion, “On Bedke’s Watch, Idaho’s House Burned,” described it this way:

Democratic lieutenant governor candidate Terri Pickens Manweiler raised a salient point Friday during a statewide televised debate with her GOP rival, House Speaker Scott Bedke.

On Bedke’s decade-long watch, the Idaho House devolved into even more extremism. How is he not responsible for that? And why would that recommend him for a promotion?

“My opponent sat back in the House with his gavel and stayed silent while the minority of extremists became the loudest voice in the Legislature,” Pickens Manweiler said. “And he thinks that’s earned him the gavel in the Senate. It has not.”

The House speaker is without equal in the Legislature. The various committee chairmen and chairwomen serve at his pleasure. He controls his own panel, the House Ways and Means Committee, where he can launch or kill any bill he pleases.

I recently read a quote, attributed to Teddy Roosevelt, that describes the difference between the two of us:

         “Knowing what’s right doesn’t mean much unless you do what’s right.”

I am here today as the best choice for Lieutenant Governor. I have the right experience, the right temperament, and I have a powerful love for this state and the people here.

I know what’s right. I do what’s right.

If you haven’t voted already, I ask for your vote this Tuesday. For those who have already voted for me, I am deeply grateful. And thank you so much for allowing me the great honor of running to be Idaho’s next Lieutenant Governor.

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Mr. Bedke’s Haunted House https://terriforidaho.com/mr-bedkes-haunted-house/ Mon, 31 Oct 2022 17:44:10 +0000 https://terriforidaho.com/?p=665 Want a big scare this Halloween?  I can take you to a marbled mansion where whispers of injustice waft through great halls. Drafty air crackles with burning books. Cries issue from dim back rooms where bad deals come to life and good ideas are tortured and killed. Boo! It’s Speaker Bedke’s Haunted House of Representatives! […]

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Want a big scare this Halloween? 

I can take you to a marbled mansion where whispers of injustice waft through great halls. Drafty air crackles with burning books. Cries issue from dim back rooms where bad deals come to life and good ideas are tortured and killed.

Boo! It’s Speaker Bedke’s Haunted House of Representatives!

For the past decade, nothing happened there that didn’t have his approval. Some of that was terrifying. I ask you: How dark is a heart that forces women to suffer and die rather than allow life-saving emergency abortions?

Yes, Bedke’s Haunted House is no place for the living.

Spirits here are so mean that they won’t let toddlers have Pre-K education. They won’t let teachers have raises. They won’t let LGBTQ folks have the same protection under the law as everyone else. 

And the undead are everywhere. Everywhere! Lobbyists for giant corporations are an eternal presence and they possess the minds—and votes—of the weakest lawmakers. Mr. Bedke has taken hundreds of thousands of dollars from these folks to try to beat me this year.

But don’t despair!

A good heart, a strong mind, and a fierce belief in justice, integrity and fairness will always prevail! If we all turn out to vote on Nov. 8, we can change everything.

Next year, we will have a very Happy Halloween.

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Light Your Flame https://terriforidaho.com/light-your-flame/ Sat, 22 Oct 2022 19:26:39 +0000 https://terriforidaho.com/?p=660 Familiarize yourself with the chains of bondage and prepare your own limbs to wear them. Accustomed to trample on the rights of others, you have lost the genius of your own independence and become the fit subjects of the first cunning tyrant who rises.” –Abraham Lincoln response to 1857 US Supreme Court’s Dred Scott Decision […]

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Familiarize yourself with the chains of bondage and prepare your own limbs to wear them. Accustomed to trample on the rights of others, you have lost the genius of your own independence and become the fit subjects of the first cunning tyrant who rises.”

–Abraham Lincoln response to 1857 US Supreme Court’s Dred Scott Decision

Politicians who steal our freedom try to do it softly. They cushion their cruelty with imprecise language about “the process” and “the will of the Legislature.” 

“I am pro-life,” my opponent assures us.

Yet, he fights for laws that kill our mothers, our sisters, our daughters.

Is this inflammatory rhetoric? I should hope so.

What freedom-loving person isn’t fuming when Idaho politicians, urged on by House Speaker Scott Bedke, fight to immediately institute a law that threatens doctors and endangers women? There’s no gray area here. The law is clear. Idaho forbids doctors from performing emergency abortions that save the lives of women.

Mr. Bedke and his powerful accomplices camouflage wanton cruelty with genteel bewilderment, phony empathy, mock outrage. 

I’ve been working against this loss of rights since the day it happened, and working for our reproductive rights long before.

Now is the time to be inflamed. The independence that flickers in our hearts must become a bonfire for us to prevail. In a democracy, that means voting. Our votes can burn down even the most stubborn injustices.

For those who misunderstand the metaphor, this is a call to defeat the violence of oppression with the far greater power of peaceful, purposeful voting. 

Our votes are stronger than any mob that would trample our sacred public spaces. Our votes create a virtuous circle where freedom and democracy grow stronger together.

To paraphrase the Great Emancipator: when we let freedom be taken from others, we forfeit our own.

Light your flame! Vote, Nov. 8.

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