Terri Pickens for Idaho Governor
This year, we saw some of the meanest, most extreme, cruel laws proposed and enacted in Idaho. Lawmakers are dead set on taking away our freedoms.
I am taking time to see how much support is out there for a governor candidate who understands that freedom isn’t just a word on a flag. With enough support to give me a credible shot at winning, I will run for governor and win.
You can follow my social media (@terriforidaho) for more updates.
For media inquiries: info@terriforidaho.com
I oppose the decision to print a bill seeking to outlaw same-sex marriage in Idaho
I oppose the decision to print a bill seeking to outlaw same-sex marriage in Idaho. To the Democratic and Republican politicians on the House State Affairs Committee who voted to print this bill yesterday, I say that this is an unambiguous move to trample civil rights. As governor, I would fight this attack on a minority group—the LGBTQIA+ community—for the following reasons: It makes zero sense to take rights away from people who harm no one. Leaders should not kneel to the insatiable demands...