When I saw our Lt. Governor promoting extremism, flirting with white nationalists, attacking teachers, and much more, I was compelled to run.

I knew I could be a rational voice in the Capitol. I could stop the chaos. I could stand up to extremists. My values of honesty, fairness, and courage would guide me.

Now, I am running against House Speaker Scott Bedke. He eked out a 51% primary win over a deeply flawed opponent. Mr. Bedke is unpopular because he spent 20 years ignoring the public’s needs while lavishing tax breaks on his corporate backers. He let a fierce desire for power guide him. And he let extremists takeover the House to hang onto that power.

A Lewiston Tribune opinion, “On Bedke’s Watch, Idaho’s House Burned,” described it this way:

Democratic lieutenant governor candidate Terri Pickens Manweiler raised a salient point Friday during a statewide televised debate with her GOP rival, House Speaker Scott Bedke.

On Bedke’s decade-long watch, the Idaho House devolved into even more extremism. How is he not responsible for that? And why would that recommend him for a promotion?

“My opponent sat back in the House with his gavel and stayed silent while the minority of extremists became the loudest voice in the Legislature,” Pickens Manweiler said. “And he thinks that’s earned him the gavel in the Senate. It has not.”

The House speaker is without equal in the Legislature. The various committee chairmen and chairwomen serve at his pleasure. He controls his own panel, the House Ways and Means Committee, where he can launch or kill any bill he pleases.

I recently read a quote, attributed to Teddy Roosevelt, that describes the difference between the two of us:

         “Knowing what’s right doesn’t mean much unless you do what’s right.”

I am here today as the best choice for Lieutenant Governor. I have the right experience, the right temperament, and I have a powerful love for this state and the people here.

I know what’s right. I do what’s right.

If you haven’t voted already, I ask for your vote this Tuesday. For those who have already voted for me, I am deeply grateful. And thank you so much for allowing me the great honor of running to be Idaho’s next Lieutenant Governor.