Reproductive Rights Archives - Terri Pickens for Idaho Governor Terri Pickens for Idaho Governor Tue, 27 Feb 2024 00:26:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Reproductive Rights Archives - Terri Pickens for Idaho Governor 32 32 Alabama Ruling: Wrongful Death of Freedom Tue, 27 Feb 2024 00:16:30 +0000 The post Alabama Ruling: Wrongful Death of Freedom appeared first on Terri Pickens for Idaho Governor.


Leaders of Idaho and Alabama have the same impulse: coercion and control. They can succeed because they obfuscate their aims by getting us to debate topics like “sanctity.”

The Alabama Supreme Court made this abundantly clear when they ruled that an embryo is a person. While the Court’s chief justice noted that “wrath of a holy God” informed his decision, he failed to mention the decision’s terrible premise: to keep a tiny collection of frozen cells intact, the Court had to kill some freedom.

I know it can sound like hyperbole. But our freedom is under attack and freedom is losing.

Mere hours after the Alabama ruling, medical clinics that perform in vitro fertilization (IVF) paused their work. The threat of each embryo becoming a wrongful death case is too great for an IVF provider to risk.

Women who might need this help to become pregnant no longer have this option.

Ever since the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobb’s Decision to strike down a 50-year precedent that affirmed abortion rights nationally, GOP supermajority states like Idaho and Alabama have fought to leverage that ruling into taking away freedom for women.

Idaho led that fight by seeking to outlaw traveling out of state to seek an abortion. It’s very ugly. Don’t get caught up in the intentionally confusing debate over “morality.” It’s very simple: rightwing politicians want to use the Idaho government to stop people from driving to Washington. Period. Idaho’s Legislature continues to seek ways to douse freedom—every day they are in session we risk losing freedom

How these crass politicians stay in power is no mystery.

Far-right politicians wrap themselves in thick, chaste cloaks of self-proclaimed virtuousness that shields them from facts; and, often, such as when they seek to force rape victims to endure pregnancy, they are immune to basic decency.

They do this to outlaw a woman’s rights to control her body. They do this as a broader agenda of destroying our democracy, destroying freedom, and ushering a kind of government that is much more authoritarian.

We have lost many freedoms under the constant attacks of Idaho’s far-right movements. We stand to lose many more freedoms while the far-right holds sway over Idaho’s government. That is why I am running to be Idaho governor in 2026.

We need Idaho voters to look at Alabama’s ruling for what is: the wrongful death of freedom.

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Idaho Has a Problem With Bullies in Power Tue, 30 Jan 2024 02:47:16 +0000 I’m a mother of a gay daughter and a proud member of the LGBTQia community. Last year, I testified before the Legislature against a bill that had one purpose: to further marginalize our most vulnerable kids–our transgender kids. The Legislature hasn’t changed so the same meanness is back. It’s actually worse. Powerful lawmakers have expanded […]

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I’m a mother of a gay daughter and a proud member of the LGBTQia community. Last year, I testified before the Legislature against a bill that had one purpose: to further marginalize our most vulnerable kids–our transgender kids.

The Legislature hasn’t changed so the same meanness is back. It’s actually worse. Powerful lawmakers have expanded their attack on powerless kids by working to make life easier for Idaho’s most reviled bullies–those who simply attack kids because they can.

This year’s attack on transgender kids comes by trying to change the words in Idaho code regarding “sex” and “gender” status. These anti-kid politicians use this perverse platform to stoke a base that is fueled with disinformation and inflamed with fear.  With the failure of their attacks on our kids in the courts, which have routinely upheld trans kids’ rights of due process, equal protection, and community status, now our GOP colleagues are wasting more time and energy trying to define identity.  I have an idea, how about they just leave it be and let our kids live without bullying and constant attacks by our government.

As a parent, and a friend of transgender kids, I won’t just stand by and watch this bullying. Real lives are at stake. Real consequences.

My daughter came out at age 11.  I found out through her counselor, who was required by law to disclose to me that my daughter was self-harming and suicidal.  She was suicidal because the person she saw in the mirror, the person she felt like inside, was not the identity that society had placed upon her.

Every time one of these disgraceful bills gets a hearing, the souls of the most vulnerable group of people in Idaho, our transgender youth, take a beating.

I know a mother who will never again hug her child again because he didn’t feel comfortable in his own skin, and he took his own life. 

 Shouldn’t our laws try to save kids’ lives? At least, do no harm? 

Instead of showing compassion, this same GOP Legislature is entertaining proposals that make it harder to prosecute domestic terrorists, allowing more guns in schools, and allowing lawsuits against librarians. I believe it’s no coincidence that hate groups such as these frequently attack LGBTQia community members.

As Idaho Governor, I won’t let the Legislature bully kids. I will stand up to hate groups.  And I will make sure that one message is received loud and clear, the government must stay out of our doctor’s offices, our bathrooms, our libraries, and our bedrooms. For the party of alleged “small government”, Idaho’s present GOP, the Governor included, sure wants to regulate and govern everything we do. That’s why a vote for me will be a vote for your fundamental freedoms.

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We Must Drop Politicians Who Make Idaho Dangerous for Women Sat, 20 Jan 2024 16:49:17 +0000 Last week was an ugly and scary one for Idaho women. The Legislature is mulling the idea of declaring fetuses to be people. Why does that matter? It sets up women to be charged with murder if they miscarry during pregnancy. This isn’t fearmongering. It’s happening now, in real-time. Just this month, an Ohio woman […]

The post We Must Drop Politicians Who Make Idaho Dangerous for Women appeared first on Terri Pickens for Idaho Governor.

Last week was an ugly and scary one for Idaho women. The Legislature is mulling the idea of declaring fetuses to be people. Why does that matter? It sets up women to be charged with murder if they miscarry during pregnancy.

This isn’t fearmongering. It’s happening now, in real-time. Just this month, an Ohio woman had her fate in the hands of a grand jury. The 34-year-old was charged with a felony after she miscarried a 22-week-old, unviable fetus in her home.

This happens, a miscarriage. It happens often. But we’ve lived in a society that, generally, has had the decency to stay out of it. We’ve agreed that this was a woman’s private matter. No decent person would consider adding pain to what may already be a traumatic situation.

Not now. Not in Idaho. Not anymore.

Idaho Republican Chair Dorothy Moon, and like-minded tyrants, are waging a perverse war on American democracy. Among the early casualties is basic decency. Make no mistake, these people are winning battle after battle in Idaho. And their success has to do with their opposition’s weakness. That opposition should be Idaho Gov. Brad Little. Unfortunately,  Moon and her unelected and unlikeable minions scare the Governor out of his boots.

For years, I have traveled Idaho and met folks in dozens of towns and cities. When they tell me what they want from their leaders, almost everyone demands a government that balances staying out of our private lives with providing vital services like roads, bridges, schools, and internet connectivity.
No one asks for politicians to attack women and families. 

No one asks for their Government to meddle in medical decisions. 

No one asks for less freedom and more politics. 

No one asks for innovative ways to make laws crueler. 

No one asks for Dorothy Moon to be a shadow governor.

Clearly, there’s a weird, mean group of anti-life people who Moon and her compatriots conspire with. Ever since they captured the Idaho GOP Party, Gov. Little barely fusses when they attack liberty after liberty.

So here we are. We have a Legislature poised to make murderers of women who dare declare sovereignty over their own bodies. We have unlikeable, unkind, and unpopular politicians who have made Idaho a dangerous place for women. If they win, Idaho will be more dangerous tomorrow.

Today, Moon and her allies are finding success in their crusade against women.

I intend to change that when I am elected Governor. A vote for me is a vote against tyranny. A vote for me is a vote for the freedom that we all want and we all deserve.

The post We Must Drop Politicians Who Make Idaho Dangerous for Women appeared first on Terri Pickens for Idaho Governor.
