by Terri Pickens | Sep 26, 2022 | 2022 Election News
Behold! The famous “Bedke Backbone.” My opponent Scott Bedke will not debate me on the Treasure Valley’s largest TV news station. So, I am issuing the following statement—full of great self-righteousness and grave condemnation (tempered with passive aggressive...
by Terri Pickens | Sep 18, 2022 | 2022 Election News, Civil & Human Rights, Health Care, Idaho Families, Jobs / Economic Growth, Public Education, Public Lands
Tomorrow, Idaho’s leaders will respect the lives of women. Tomorrow, our leaders will honor our right to make reproductive healthcare decisions. Tomorrow, leaders won’t create outrage over every little thing to raise a campaign dollar. Tomorrow, our kids will...
by Terri Pickens | Sep 7, 2022 | Civil & Human Rights, Public Infrastructure, Public Lands
When I went camping as a kid, Mom and Dad never let us leave without sprucing up our campsite. Dad said: Always leave your campsite better than you found it. That simple Idaho value is why I am running for Lieutenant Governor. A photo from a recent camping...
by Terri Pickens | Aug 29, 2022 | Extremism
Boise, Idaho–Lt. Governor candidate Terri Pickens Manweiler called on her opponent to stop the cruelty and to stop fighting a lifesaving injunction that delays enforcement of parts of Idaho’s inhumane anti-abortion law. “As I campaign across Idaho, so many men and...
by Terri Pickens | Aug 24, 2022 | Extremism
This is not a drill: freedom and democracy are under siege and we all need to be in the fight. The forces for white nationalist extremism are targeting libraries. Bonners Ferry’s library director resigned last week. She wrote: Photo by KHQ The good news is that we can...