Imagine Idaho’s rightwing extremists working full-time, all year long, in the Legislature to decide what the government will let us do in our bedrooms and bookshelves (or insert whatever offensive choice of the day needs to be snuffed out for our own good).
That’s what SJR 102 would lead to. It amends the Constitution to allow the Legislature to call itself back into session. I am voting against it on Nov. 8.
In fact, bad ideas like SJR 102 are why I am running for Lt. Governor. I have the judgment and courage to oppose stuff like this. Of course, my opponent Scott Bedke supports it. (Find his “Aye” vote recorded here)
Now, I have to link to his vote or else he will just gaslight about it. That’s what he did on another vital issue on KTVB’s Viewpoint. Scott Petcash asked him to respond to a tweet from me that pointed out that Mr. Bedke favors imprisoning women who have abortions.
“That’s absurd!” he sputtered, his face getting redder. (Check it out at the 15 minute mark).

It’s naked dishonesty caught on tape. Idaho law declares that a woman who has an abotion is guilty of a felony, and shall be fined and/or imprisoned for NOT LESS than one year. (Check out Idaho Code 18-606) Mr. Bedke is fighting for that law right now in court–he CHOSE to do that. He even objects to a judge’s partial stay of the law to let doctors save women’s lives who need emergency abortions.
Let’s be very clear. Mr. Bedke doesn’t just support jailing women. He supports letting them suffer and die rather than giving them live-saving care.
For the record, I oppose jailing women who seek abortiion services. I oppose efforts to have Government mandate our reproductive health care. I oppose Government interfering in birth control decisions. I oppose ceding our freedoms to the heavy hand of Government. (You can watch my own KTVB Viewpoint interview here)
At the moment, we have a growing group of radical, anti-freedom legislators in our Legislature who have absolutely thrived under Mr. Bedke’s failed leadership. If SJR 102 passes, they’ll go pro. It will be full-time Idaho Freedom Foundation and their adoring crowds of militia cosplayers. Imagine no break from lawmakers who want to abolish science from classrooms, who want to jail librarians, who want to drive professors out of classrooms, who want to give public tax dollars to their churches, who want to control women even if it kills them.
Let’s give ourselves a break from bad ideas: vote no on SJR 102.
And please vote yes for me on Nov. 8.