Last night around 11:30, I called Scott Bedke and congratulated him on being Idaho’s next Lieutenant Governor. I know he will manage the position better than Janice McGeachin has.

This election is not the last time you will see me–far from it.

I have already begun working on to build an initiative campaign regarding abortion rights in Idaho. Women in Idaho will not stand silent as the State and a minority of extremists force us to carry unwanted pregnancies by outlawing abortion services. Stay tuned.

Of course, I am disappointed at the outcome, but I leave this 15 month campaign enriched by the thousands of new friends I made. It was an honor to have your vote. I am thankful for the volunteers, the hardworking staff at the Idaho Democratic Party, the supportive Democratic elected officials, and nearly 1,500 people who donated their hard-earned funds to make this race competitive.

It’s too early to completely unpack what went well and what needed improvement. When I do, I will certainly share my knowledge with other candidates who are willing to stand up to the extremism taking root in Idaho. I will do all I can to support candidates who value responsible, transparent, and balanced government.