When I went camping as a kid, Mom and Dad never let us leave without sprucing up our campsite. Dad said: 

Always leave your campsite better than you found it.

That simple Idaho value is why I am running for Lieutenant Governor. 

A photo from a recent camping trip in Lemhi County. And as always… we left it better than we found it.

The belief that “we must leave the world a better place” made Idaho prosper. It’s what built the legacy of clean, wide open spaces and the promise of freedom. 

Previous generations built roads and bridges for people they would never live to meet. They created city halls and police and fire departments. They dug water and sewer systems. They enshrined public education in the Idaho Constitution:

“… it shall be the duty of the legislature of Idaho, to establish and maintain a general, uniform, and thorough system of public, free common schools.”

That selfless and wise vision certainly helped me.

Despite my humble background, I now run a successful small business that I founded. My legal skills are helping me fight to regain the right for women to make our own medical decisions–such as choosing live-saving abortions–that Idaho GOP politicians have revoked. I advocate for children. I stand up for LGBTQ kids. 

Today, Idahoans are threatened by a selfish, mean-spirited kind of extremism. And, these extremists have flourished under my opponent House Speaker Scott Bedke.

Mr. Bedke allowed extremists to try to quell science-based teaching in K-12 schools as well as universities. He let them pass a law to criminalize librarians. He let them scapegoat the most powerless population in the world: transgender kids. He let them bully our underpaid teachers too.

Under Speaker Bedke’s watch–Idaho politicians made Idaho worse. 

I love Idaho. I love this whole beautiful state. If we return to this value, we can save Idaho from the corrosive work of extremists and self-serving politicians like Mr. Bedke.

Please join me. Let’s make Idaho a better place than we found it.