I have had enough of this one-party system of government that breeds corruption.

The latest affront comes with news that lame-duck Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin is openly gifting the vice chair of the Idaho Republican Party with tens of thousands of dollars in wages.

Yes, it’s legal corruption. But it’s corruption. It’s egregious. It’s blatant. 

How does an elected official think she can behave with such flagrant disrespect for the people she represents? Simply: a one-party system of government is only accountable to an interlaced network of cronies who rely on each other to amass power—and donations from influence peddlers—to keep getting elected.

I call it, “mutually assured corruption.”

McGeachin’s behavior is beyond the pale. But House Speaker Scott Bedke has embraced, manipulated, and strengthened this corrupt system to chase his personal political ambition.

Is Speaker Bedke’s disregard for Idaho taxpayers any less flagrant than McGeachin’s? No!

Right out in the open, with a chorus of Republican politicians cheering him on, he helped grease a $600 million tax gift for corporations through the Legislature this year.

That money was NOT spent on homeowners who are struggling with property taxes.

That money was NOT spent to fix or replace bridges.

That money was NOT spent to fix our children’s schools.

That money was NOT spent to keep the promise of repealing food taxes.

The list of needs ignored by Bedke, McGeachin and the whole bunch of interdependent political cronies is long and real.

Mutually assured corruption works because all the leaders must agree with each other to get elected. The leaders must praise each other’s wisdom and decision-making. The leaders must rely on unanimity of the super majority to create the illusion of inevitability.


Tired of Boise politicians throwing away your money? Tired of the double-talk and corruption?

I will fight this corruption.