June is Pride Month, and I am mindful of the extremists, but let me say this first: Love always wins.

I pay attention to the extremists because they do not want to see our LGBTQ friends and family stride through the world safely, with dignity.

It’s important to know what the extremists are saying. Look at Coeur d’Alene. The Inlander recently reported that a group called the Panhandle Patriots plan to hold a “Day of Prayer” on the same day and in the same place as Pride in the Park.

Prayers, of course, sound harmless enough. But the organizers also call the LGBTQ community “groomers.” And, the group was first calling their anti-gay event “Gun d’Alene” before deciding a different name might look more “peaceful.”

This anti-LGBTQ group was fully and openly embraced by Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin and her disgraced ally Rep. Priscilla Giddings.

But don’t breathe a sigh of relief that Gov. Little bumped off McGeachin and House Speaker Scott Bedke edged out Giddings in the primary. The fact is that Bedke has rubber-stamped the ugliest anti-freedom bills: punishment for librarians, legal status for armed militias, scapegoating LGBTQ kids, targeting teachers, giving families of rapists more rights than their victims. 

Mr. Bedke has overseen the rise of public bullying in Idaho. Mr. Bedke never moved to stop it. Never.

In this difficult time, I honor the resilience of Idaho’s LGBTQ community.

I feel pride. 

I feel respect. 

I feel love. 

It’s Pride Month. Show up and support our friends, families, and neighbors. Know the extremists for what they are. And demand better leaders who have the character to stop the bullies and to make sure Idaho is truly free and welcoming.

Let’s see to it that love wins.