My opponent for governor offers full-throated support for Idaho’s anti-woman, anti-medicine, and anti-freedom laws which will kill women and drive doctors out of our state. He’s not even dodging it.

By jeering a jury that convicted Mr. Trump of financial crimes related to his tryst with a porn star, Mr. Little endorsed a plan to tyrannize the American people. That plan is detailed in a 900-page manifesto called Project 2025:  Read it here.

Project 2025 removes scientific data from decision-making, appeases cruel anti-abortion zealots, ignores climate change, impoverishes the poor while enriching the rich, and much more.

That’s fine with Mr. Little.

Later, we can explore other parts of Project 2025, but for now let’s look at abortion.

Idaho’s cruel anti-abortion law, which violates the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), was appealed to the US Supreme Court. Last week, SCOTUS punted. For now, they won’t say whether doctors must let women die rather than give life-saving abortion care. I’m sure SCOTUS will let us know sometime after the 2024 Presidential election.

For now, EMTALA requires hospitals that get federal funds to provide life-saving care, including abortions. Project 2025 would change that by having the federal government stop enforcing EMTALA.

When Mr. Little supports Project 2025 (and Idaho’s abortion bans), he supports letting women die—women who could be saved. Period. There is no “alternative” fact. Mr. Little supports the most radical anti-women’s medical care laws in history. That’s because Idaho politicians ignored the best medical science in our world’s history when they created those laws.

Think about it. What’s more radical than a “just let her die” philosophy? What’s more radical than forcing doctors NOT to save a woman who can be saved?

Our state government mandates our deaths. Our elected leaders passed the laws to create that death mandate. These were leaders who we elected to lead us because we trusted them.

It’s a stunning betrayal. And it makes no sense to me.

Don’t we all know some women—love some women—who could easily need abortion care to save their lives? Don’t Republican politicians love their mothers, their sisters, their daughters? I can’t imagine otherwise.

What political-zealotry drives Idaho’s elected leaders to outlaw the choice of life for pregnant women?

What leader forces a woman to rely on faith-healing when she would much rather rely on medical science?

What leader forces women to die?

And to think, these anti-medical science laws are what Mr. Little and other Republican leaders call “conservative ideas.” These laws that kill us.

There’s plenty more that’s bad about Project 2025. For instance, it has nothing to say about protecting birth control options from anti-reproductive-care zealots who have taken over Republican parties in Idaho and other states. That leaves people in states where zealotry reigns at the mercy of laws that ban abortion care, birth control, in vitro fertilization, and anything to do with a woman holding sovereignty over her body.

That’s fine with Mr. Little.

Of course, there’s more. Project 2025 also proposes that doctors, doulas and nurses NOT be taught how to give abortion care. And the Department of Justice will hunt down anyone who mails abortion pills.

In a way Mr. Little has created another situation where we have no choice. By backing laws that will kill us, he has made the outcome of the election a matter of life or death.We have no choice but to win.