by Terri Pickens | Sep 18, 2022 | 2022 Election News, Civil & Human Rights, Health Care, Idaho Families, Jobs / Economic Growth, Public Education, Public Lands
Tomorrow, Idaho’s leaders will respect the lives of women. Tomorrow, our leaders will honor our right to make reproductive healthcare decisions. Tomorrow, leaders won’t create outrage over every little thing to raise a campaign dollar. Tomorrow, our kids will...
by Terri Pickens | Sep 7, 2022 | Civil & Human Rights, Public Infrastructure, Public Lands
When I went camping as a kid, Mom and Dad never let us leave without sprucing up our campsite. Dad said: Always leave your campsite better than you found it. That simple Idaho value is why I am running for Lieutenant Governor. A photo from a recent camping...
by Terri Pickens | Aug 13, 2022 | Civil & Human Rights, Extremism
People who attack librarians, who fear books, who fear ideas, who fear other people and other ways—these are the arsonists of democracy. These people have a friend in my opponent Speaker Scott Bedke. This is no hypothetical anecdote. It’s real. The library in Bonners...
by Terri Pickens | Aug 2, 2022 | 2022 Election News, Civil & Human Rights, Health Care
I can’t imagine my opponent has any supporters in freedom-loving Idaho. Case in point: Speaker Bedke just sent an email to his supporters grumbling about not liking the Boise mayor – and freedom. He’s no fan of freedom. How did that darn Boise mayor offend Mr....
by Terri Pickens | Jul 2, 2022 | 2022 Election News, Civil & Human Rights, Extremism
This Fourth of July, my eyes are on Ukraine where people are bleeding and dying for their freedom. I was horrified to see Russia choose to kill its neighbors this spring. I was disheartened that experts predicted a quick Russian victory. In that darkest moment,...
by Terri Pickens | Jun 27, 2022 | 2022 Election News, Civil & Human Rights, Health Care
The day that the U.S. Supreme Court abolished American’s right to seek personal medical care–in this case, abortions–I was honored to open a press conference alongside Idaho’s top women leaders. The following is my statement (edited) at the Idaho Capitol: Today is a...