My Campaign is Surging

My campaign is surging. Since June 24, my campaign saw a nearly 200% jump in online donors. In the summer! Most of us try to tune out in June and July, head to the mountains, breathe free Idaho air. Yet, in back-to-back 28-day periods, online donors climbed from 83 to...

The Speaker’s Scam to Steal Public Land

Picture this–  You are hiking Idaho’s backcountry. Butterflies flit. Birds chirp. Marmots whistle.  And deer flag their tails. After a morning of hiking, sunshine bathes your face, mountain air fills your lungs, and a frigid lake soothes your feet: Idaho...

Mama Bear

The Urban Dictionary defines “mama bear” as a mom who can be cuddly and lovable, but also ferocious when necessary to protect her cubs. That rings true for me. I am the Mama Bear of my family. This morning I was driving in my car with my daughter, who is a member of...

Love Wins

June is Pride Month, and I am mindful of the extremists, but let me say this first: Love always wins. I pay attention to the extremists because they do not want to see our LGBTQ friends and family stride through the world safely, with dignity. It’s important to know...

You are running against me, Mr. Bedke

Mr. Bedke, on Wednesday, you sent out an email promising to run against “Joe Biden and the DC Democrats.” My goodness, Mr. Bedke. Perhaps you are confused. You aren’t running against the President of the United States of America! You are running against me. I’m right...