by Terri Pickens | Feb 26, 2025 | Extremism
“Do we live in a country where if you speak out of turn the result is three men assaulting a woman?” –Dr. Teresa Borrenpohl, after being cuffed and dragged out of a Coeur d’Alene town hall meeting for using “free speech” that the local GOP leaders objected to. ...
by Terri Pickens | Feb 19, 2025 | Idaho Legislature, Public Education
While guzzling taxpayer dollars as he circled Air Force One over the Daytona 500, the President gave a shout out to Governor Brad Little: To paraphrase: A New York felon who leads a shady gang of billionaires is gutting our national security, relief programs for...
by Terri Pickens | Feb 14, 2025 | 2026 Election News
A few folks have asked me to tone down my blog posts, suggesting I be more docile or polite. Let me just say, no, I won’t do that. Please allow me to explain. Yes, back in 2016, before the first Trump Administration, Michelle Obama advised, “When they go low, we go...